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ALL DATES LISTED use the Terran Standard Calendar (TSC).
- 2150 June 14
- Robert Lewis MacMANUS born to Jane Andrea MacMANUS (father not known but believed to be Lewis Nathiel Bondar). R.L. by nature is an engineer and tinkering sort who on receipt of the RIGEL ONE from his mother discovers his love of space. Having taken no interest in managing the affairs of Rigel Aerospace Robert Lewis will wed Mba prodigy Sarah Temple fast-tracking her into his Administrative Duties. Directly involved in LEO Platform development and the advancement of science Robert Lewis will die at age 45 while trying to place the ANCHOR Station as part of the Light Speed Development project ORBIT CERN in 2195.
- 2150 September
- After censuring all REFORM AMERICA candidates in the Federal government support for the RA begins to crumble under charges of corruption and mismanagement which the USAmerica Congress declares destructive to the republic.
- 2150 October
- REFORM AMERICA Congressional members abandon their leadership forcing Chairmin Dyan White from office after Canadian/USAmerican forces refuse REFORM AMERICA traffic access to the Welland Canal thereby crippling mid-west trade.
- 2151
- In the largest movement of military forces in North American history the USAmerican Army move into REFORM AMERICA territory seizing and restoring Union control on each state as they go. Nebraska, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, North and South Dakota are retaken into the USAmerica as the governments of REFORM AMERICA are removed from power and their Armies surrender to Union Forces.
- 2151 March 3
- 2nd North American FOOD WAR ends with unconditional surrender of the last hold-out REFORM AMERICA Army. USAmerican federal union control is claimed in all but 24 of the original 50 States (13 of which make up the Union of Western States with the former State of Washington now part of the Dominion of WestCan, with the balance being abandoned territory in Buffalo Commons).
- 2152
- A resurgence of nationalism begins throughout USAmerica following the end of the 2nd FOOD WAR and the reunion of most of the United States of America. David "Ironside" HALLEY is elected Senator under the Baptist National ticket (2 terms).
- 2157
- Jane MacMANUS assumes control of RIGEL Aerospace from her father after leading design teams that result in the company entering the forefront of the industry. Jane's motto of "Better than State of the Art" becomes the company's mission. Thanks to the continuing success of RIGEL and it becoming the desired place to work for the entire high-tech brain trust the mission is one that RIGEL never wavers from.
- 2159
- Commemorating the 200th Anniversary of the first man in space GARGARINGRAD reveals second Dome and upgrades to the expanded lunar operation. (New SOVIET).
- 2160
- Senator David HALLEY runs in Primaries for President of the United States of America. Is defeated before convention.
- 2164
- Senator David "Ironside" HALLEY wins Baptist National nomination but is defeated in his bid for the Presidency by liberal Dominic O'Riordan. O'Riordan's win was by a narrow margin of 6% of the popular vote attributed to some fears of Baptist National Party's religious hardline.
- 2165 January 31
- First portable Coil Induction Rifle successfully fired at the CODY Rifle test range of Magellan Shipyards.
- 2166
- Harris Finnegan, 4th Lord Novus of Manchester, born.
- 2166
- Liberal USAmerican President Dominic O'Riordan is assasinated by a religious extremist. Vice President Jennifer CAMES becomes President, nominates Baptist National Senior Senator HALLEY as VP following series of extreme back room lobbying efforts by members of congress.
- 2168
- Liberal Jennifer CAMES elected President on UNION REFORM Ticket with Baptist National VP David HALLEY.
- 2171
- Robert Lewis MacMANUS marries MBA prodigy Sarah Temple. RL is intent on space exploration and development fast tracking Sarah for the RIGEL Aerospace CEO position he will inherit. Jane MacMANUS gives him the RIGEL ONE spacecraft as a wedding present unintentionally creating a MacMANUS family tradition. A true 22nd Century renaissance man RL combines exceptional Pilot skills with Scientific acumen for many hands on Solar exploration missions.
- 2172
- Tianna Mitchell, future 4th Lady Novus of Manchester is born to Sir Sean Mitchell, CBE & Nadejda Jansen in Aberdeen, Scotland, UK.
- 2172
- David HALLEY runs on Baptist National ticket for President defeating Jennifer CAMES on 3-R's platform (Re-Union, Religion and Righteousness). His talk of "One Big Happy Nation, indivisible, under God" makes the Union of Western States nervous. HALLEY is the 76th President of the United States of America and the first Baptist National President.
- 2173
- HALLEY accuses New SOVIET of aiding the HEARTLAND Forces in the 2nd FOOD WAR. A new COLD WAR begins with USAmerican efforts to control space increasing.
- 2174 July 1
- Nathiel Adam MacMANUS born to Robert Lewis MacMANUS and Sarah Temple. Nathiel never grows comfortable with the spotlight thrust upon him as heir to the MacMANUS/RIGEL fortune. Perhaps it is this that drives him into the space service where he spends most of his life. A decorated tactical leader (The Battle of Short Bow) Nathiel makes Lieutenant in charge of his own Patrol Squad by age 24 but is cut back a grade following a violation of orders and temporary AWOL in the unsuccessful rescue attempt of his father (2195). Faced with having to resign his commission to assume his proper mantle in the RIGEL heirarchy Nathiel is twice spared by first meeting and wedding rising Magellan Executive Pamela Newhaven and then by the birth of his first son Jack. While Pamela's career at Magellan Aerospace had limitations her marriage to the MacMANUS heir almost assures her eventual CEO title of the premier Aerospace Corporation.
- 2175
- Toxin levels finally subside to a point where moving about the surface of the Earth without environmental protection suits is possible. Children are still required to play in "CLEAN ZONES" and cancer and birth defect rates for people dependant on externally exposed soid for food are still dangerously high but for the first time since the ECO-COLLAPSE planetary birth rates are stabilizing.
- 2175
- Tensions increase in the Cold War when the Baptist National controlled USAmerican Space Forces set up mining operations in the previously New SOVIET controlled Asteroid Belt. Europeans pressure the USAmerica to avoid antagonizing the New SOVIETS by keeping their distance. Stand offs and minor skirmishes will threaten to heat the conflict over the next 10 years as more and more of the mineral rich Asteroid Belt is claimed by each side.
- 2176 November
- On the Quadra-Centennial of the nation and riding a crest of increasing popularity Baptist National David "Ironside" HALLEY is re-elected President of the USAmerica in the largest landslide ever. Charges of voter fraud are quickly squelched.
- 2177
- Robert Lewis MacMANUS commissions the LADIS TWO prototype long range spacecraft from RIGEL Aerospace thereby meeting the generational challenge his mother began. On delivery RL will christen the craft RIGEL TWO and use it to oversee development of the LEO Platform project (Low Earth Orbit).
- 2178
- Following years of the Baptist National revitalization of USAmerica the BN Movement now controls all 3 branches of Government (Legislative, Executive and Judicial).
- 2179
- New Soviet begins mining operations in Asteroid Belt.
- 2179
- The Baptist National controlled Congress repeals the 22nd Amendment to the US Constitution limiting the number of terms a President may run to two. Due largely to HALLEY's popularity and the strength of the USAmerican economy the action is supported by the electorate.
- 2179 September
- The second MacMANUS inspired RIGEL proto-type (LADIS TWO) is delivered to commissonee Robert Lewis MacMANUS. The advanced word on the RIGEL TWO craft results in orders exceeding three thousand units.
- 2180
- International Humanitarian Crisis is declared in Africa and the South Pacific. Japan and Britain are the first to step into the fray, using terraforming technologies to reclaim the Sahara.
- 2180
- President David "Ironside" HALLEY runs unopposed following the sudden withdrawl of Republican Reform candidate Terkil Menor. Pressure on the electorate to vote is at an all time high with Election Receipts being required for renewal of access to many key services. This marks the last election in the United States of America until 2194.
- 2181
- The 1st Admendment of the United States Constitution is repealed by the Baptist National controlled Congress following a damning report in several daily papers charging corruption within the Baptist National party. The CIVIL ACTION bill is passed creating PATRIOT SQUADS of specially trained investigators working with the USAmerica Armies to track down and confiscate underground news dissemination. HALLEY defends this action as the only method to keep the "Seeds of Destruction" from affecting the "Re-birth of the AMERICAN Era".
- 2182 April
- Union of Western States President Emmanual Franco Chacabuko condemns Baptist National suppression of USAmerica Freedom of Speech rights citing the USA 1st Amendment as the "Brightest jewel of the world's finest document".
- 2182 May
- Baptist National supporters within Texas, UWS protest Chacabuko's comments, ignite riots in Dallas. National Guard troops of the Union of Western States are recorded over-reacting to the BN Supporters during arrests. HALLEY's comments on the events to UWS Reporters paint Chacabuko as a "spanish puppet of the weak minded".
- 2182 June
- Trade suspended between UWS and USAmerica following Truth Squad encouraged violence against latino shop owners in New York, New Jersey, Florida, Georgia and Louisiana in the "Night of brado del cristal (broken glass)". Public outcry from citizens of the Union of Western States to aid their spanish brethen in the USAmerica forces Chacabuko to threaten intervention and call on the nations of the world to condemn the racial actions of the Baptist National run USAmerican Government.
- 2182 July
- USAmerica heats up the conflict by moving its troops into unoccupied parts of Texas, Kansas, Nebraska and South Dakota simultaneously. UWS Forces shore up their eastern border, but they are preparing for a force almost three times their size. Seeing USAmerican action as the first step in the wrong direction WestCan gets involved in the fight with high-tech companies MAGELLAN Shipyards and RIGEL Aerospace providing equipment capable of subduing the USAmerican forces quickly. HALLEY is outraged at Westcan's interference in an "internal matter" but pulls back in preparation for a later conflict.
- 2183
- USAmerican energies turn inward as the nation enters a brief protectionist phase where little news or trade moves beyond it's border. Aware that this might be the calm before the storm the UWS enters into a military build-up partnership with WestCan. Canada (Quebec, Ontario and the Atlantic Provinces) enter into a Security Pact with WestCan following the USAmerican seizure of the Niagara Peninsula by USAmerican forces based there. Tensions increase throughout North America. Fully aware that the Baptist National leadership of the USAmerica is threat to North American and even possibly world peace WestCan begins to work through underground cells in the former FREE STATES of America. Covertly by way of the parts of North Dakota residing in Buffalo Commons, WestCan will assist the "Old Glory" movement with training while supplying them with communication systems that the USAmerican PATRIOT SQUAD cannot tap.
- 2184 January 31
- LUNA facilities become primary construction partner for Lagrange Space stations going up in the moon's orbital path. Construction begins on the first station, which will be named Station L5 (or Station 5) because it will anchor in the Lagrange 5 gravitational point 60 degrees ahead of Luna.
- 2184
- Jane MacMANUS turns control of RIGEL Aerospace to daughter-in-law Sarah Temple. Jane starts her retirement by returning to University to complete her Master of Business Administration. Sarah remains CEO until 2207 when she will turn the job over to Pamela Newhaven, the wife of son Nathiel Adam.
- 2187
- Completing her MBA Jane MacMANUS begins to lecture at the University of Calgary part-time to overflowing lecture halls. During this time she will also begin to write.
- New York City and parts of the Tri-State area suffer massive damage following the accidental detonation of a Nuclear Warhead in NY Harbour. The bomb is traced to five foreign terrorist groups outside the USAmerica and erroneously to three groups inside North America (2 "Old Glory" Cells in the former Heartland state Montana, 1 a spanish action committee in Orange County California). Many theories put the intended target as Washington DC and the Baptist National seat of power. Union of Western States President Chacabuko disavows any connection while the PATRIOT SQUAD wrecks havok on many communities in North Dakota looking for "Old Glory" Infiltrators. Martial law is declared.
- 2189
- Work begins on Station L4.
- 2191
- Station L5 becomes fully operational on its completion. The station has been manned for almost ten years with partial crews and their family. Now that the processes are in place work on additional stations begins at the rate of one per year.
- 2193
- Members of the increasingly ruthless Baptist National PATRIOT SQUAD point the finger of blame for the nuking of New York at foreign terrorist groups funded by the New SOVIET. Unable to retaliate against the New SOVIET on Earth due to the threat of swift and instant retribution USAmerican space forces set up blockades near New SOVIET operations in the Asteroid Belt, thereby seizing control of the SHORT BOW Corridor used by craft moving to the Asteroid Belt. USAmerican control of this sector now posses a threat to the sovereignty of all nations and the right of free access to space.
- 2194
- The Honourable Thames Finnegan, spouse to the 3rd Lord Novus of Manchester [Lady proper] passes away peacefully at Novus House. Avalon Mae Harris retires from the Lordship, passing the title off to her eldest child, Harris Finnegan.
- Combining 18 affiliate nations and corporate partners into a unified space/military organization that eventually becomes a quasi-government. The New Soviet (TEPU Cosmonautics/GLAVCOSMOS) is one of the founding members but drops out in 2227.
- 2194 May 11
- In an effort to head off direct involvement between the New SOVIET and the increasingly unstable Baptist National leadership of the USAmerica, UNCA issues an official condemnation of the USA blockage of the Asteroid Belt SHORT BOW Corridor following the attendees signature of the UNITED NETWORK TREATY ORGANIZATION for SPACE (UNTOS). Next is the creation of the first multi-national space force UNSA. UNSA's mission, largely under the lead of the WestCan Defence Force, is to break the blockade of SHORT BOW.
- 2194 May 21 - BATTLE OF SHORT BOW
- Led by WestCan Leadership the forces of the United Nations Space Agency (UNSA) engage Baptist National controlled USAmerican forces blockading access to the SHORT BOW corridor to New SOVIET Asteroid operations. USAmerican forces have been concentrated in this region and have had nearly 8 months to entrench. The battle rages for 7 days before the CERES Maneuver, led by Flight Commander Tariq Tamal breaks the main line of USAmerican opposition. It will however take another 3 days for the American Forces to give up the blockade and re-treat. Casualties on the UNSA side number 25,467, on the USAmerican side 67,543. Following this Battle UNSA will secure SHORT BOW to ensure no further blockades are possible.
- 2194 July
- The New SOVIET declines to formally merge GLAVCOSMOS with UNSA as a world body meets to talk global peace for the first time in 142 years. The first meeting of the new world body is held in the recently rebuilt Millennium Dome at London England. UNCA immediately engages in debate on the structure for a true "World Government".
- 2194 August 24
- 2nd CIVIL WAR begins in the United States of America when "Old Glory" forces supported by covert WestCan action rise up in 8 former Heartland FREE STATES (North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas and Missouri) and begin to move against Baptist National forces both in those territories and eastward. Gaining assistance by a weary population Old Glory forces move into Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky and Illinois on their "March for Liberty".
- 2194 September 11
- Baptist National troops, on Presidential order begin to burn and destroy Chicago and environ as they withdraw ahead of the approaching "Old Glory" Army. This action ripples through the eastern United States to shake the very foundation of Baptist National support both within and without the party. Calls on President HALLEY to stop this madness by senior members of the party in Congress and the Supreme Court result in HALLEY's infamous "Night of the Knives" leadership clearinghouse and imposing of DIRECT RULE by the Executive Branch on the Government.
- 2194 October 7
- The latest cold war heats up quickly with the declaration by Baptist National President of the United States of America David "Ironside" HALLEY of a GREAT HOLY WAR against the Godless. Although most nations are sure he's referring to the New Soviet there are rumblings he might mean them as well. World opinion against USAmerica is the lowest its been in almost two hundred years.
- 2194 October 8 - THE GREAT HOLY WAR.
- Baptist National President HALLEY launches a Nuclear first strike against the New SOVIET Lunar Base MARXGRAD on the farside of the Moon under the belief the New SOVIET have been using the base to prepare for an orbital invasion of the USA. HALLEY claims the New SOVIET has long conspired against the USAmerica first through assistance of the FREE AMERICA States in the 2nd Food War and most recently by funding and supporting the "Old Glory" movement. New SOVIET forces move to DEFENCE LEVEL ONE and mobilize to attack the USAmerica.
- 2194 October 9
- The United Network tries to negotiate between the New SOVIET and USAmerica. HALLEY rebukes the UNCA claiming they are under New SOVIET control. HALLEY cites the actions of UNSA against the USA during the BATTLE OF SHORT BOW as proof.
- 2194 October 10
- "Old Glory" forces, having opened up free communication lines on their march toward Washington DC reveal Baptist National President HALLEY's latest actions to the American public. Congress revolts against HALLEY with the assistance of the former Joint Chiefs when Military Commanders refuse to follow any further orders from the President. After 22 years in control of the country President David HALLEY is removed from office.
- 2194 October 11
- Baptist National leaders from all states in the USAmerica are arrested for later trial. Hastily convened Assemblies are arraigned in counties all through the country to pick representatives to meet in Washington for the New Continental Congress with oversight by an International Tribunal. Elections are declared for the first time in 14 years to pick new Representatives in both Congress and the House. USAmerica operates under a provisional government with a great deal of assistance from the Union of Western States, WestCan and Canada. Calls for the UWS to re-join the union are countered with offers of friendship and generosity.
- 2194 October 22
- The rebuilding of Chicago begins. Thousands were killed on the Baptist National Army withdrawal. War Crimes trials begin against HALLEY and his followers.
- 2194 November 4
- The first presidential elections in 14 years select Old Glory Candidate Angela Torris Powell as the 77th President of the United States of America. The congress votes in 72 members of Congress (2 for each of the 36 States) and 304 Representatives. Congressional make up has 22 Old Glory; 16 Democrat; 14 Republicans; 12 Reform and 8 Heartland members. The House 136 Old Glory; 57 Democrat; 53 Republicans; 29 Reform; 22 Heartland and 7 Independents.
- 2194 December 11
- USAmerican joins the UNCA providing sponsorship of interested American candidates to the United Network Space Agency.
- 2194 December 16
- Former USAmerican Baptist National President David "Ironside" HALLEY is sentenced to life imprisonment for "High Crimes against the Republic". He is transferred under a veil of UNCA controlled high security to Crawford, Texas.
- 2195
- Work is completed on Station L4. It has taken only 2/3rd the time to build this station.
- 2195 March 1 -
- Former USAmerican President David "Ironside" HALLEY is found dead in his cell at Crawford, Texas. The victim of an apparent suicide. HALLEY's followers (soon to be referred to as Neo-Baptists) scatter underground. Claims that HALLEY has escaped and is alive dog the Government for decades with HALLEY sighting sparking mass hysteria in places. Throughout the mid-west and north-western States sects of Neo-Baptists gather secretly. When they are uncovered they manage to successfully hide behind the very same 1st Amendment that HALLEY repealed.
- 2195 October 12
- Nathiel Adam MacMANUS takes untested RIGEL Two craft to farside of sun in rescue attempt of his father Robert Lewis MacMANUS who was supervising the ANCHOR STATION of the massive multi-corporate ORBIT CERN project when the TOWING CRAFT is disabled by unexpected solar flare activity. Nathiel Adam MacMANUS arrives too late to save his father and almost dies himself when the RIGEL Two is caught in the same activity. Only luck results in emergency beacons being received by a craft (Magellan Aerospace's Spectrum Three Surveyor) near enough to assist before solar radiation takes his life as well. On board Spectrum Three is Magellan Aero Junior Executive Pamela Newhaven. On introduction a romance begins that results in union 18 months later.
- 2196
- Nordic Union joins UNCA.
- 2197
- Alliance of Southern Africa (and Kert Aeronautics) joins UNCA.
- 2197 April 30
- Nathiel Adam MacMANUS weds Pamela Newhaven at the MacMANUS ancestral estate near Calgary Alberta WestCan. Despite all attempts to keep the media away from this event the wedding is broadcasted live via a pirated Float-Cam unit to the Wedding Channel.
- 2197 October 23
- Jack Adam MacMANUS born Calgary Alberta, WestCan to Pamela Newhaven and Nathiel Adam MacMANUS. Jack will spend his entire life being groomed for the CEO Position at RIGEL Aerospace.
- 2198 June 3
- Work begins on STATION 1, the primary transfer point around Lagrange space, and for traffic heading both to Earth and beyond the Lunar orbital path.
- 2199 March 22
- Poul CHEROK is born to parents James and Carol in Riverside Iowa. Cherok will grow up to become an exceptional pilot landing the coveted TEAM A Commander slot for the ARROWHEAD Faster than Light proto-type.
- 2199
- Tianna Mitchell becomes the 4th Lady Novus when she marries Harris Finnegan, the 4th Lord Novus of Manchester, in a suddenly toned down wedding at Novus House.
- 2199
- China joins UNCA.