INFORMATION MANAGEMENT is the administrative arm of the UNITED NETWORK COMMAND AUTHORITY. As such it provides all recording, analysis, statistical evaluation and reporting for all branches and clients in the UNCA including the strategic intelligence analysis required by the United Network Space Command in the performance of its duties and obligations.
I.M. does this through a carefully maintained network of fully encrypted communication and data reporting systems interconnected to the various client agencies to ensure a complete and comprehensive access to relevant information is available at all times. In fact securing the lines of communication in the Network is I.M.'s most important job.
When asked by the leadership of the UNSC I.M. will generate INFO-PAKS of bundled files relevant to the missions being undertaken. These bundles are always inclusive of the most recent relevant information in such a way that client teams never enter a situation without having all the facts at their disposal.
In addition to these duties I.M. works with the Security Services branch to ensure sensitive operations are protected against outside attack or sabotage.
Information Management pre-dates the Network and since its development has reduced operational interference no less than 300,000 times while increasing operational tempos more than 15 per cent.
Information Management has branch offices in every major UNCA affiliated city on Earth, on all Lagrange and Egrange Space Stations, most UNCA affiliated Lunar and Mars Bases and many of the larger UNSC Vessels. Because of its integrated nature I.M. does not have a head office but maintains segments of its leadership at key locations throughout the Inner System.