T.R.A.P. Mission Abbrev technical term for "tactical recovery of aircraft and personnel". A mission usually requiring troops to cross into unfriendly territory, frequently without authorization in order to effect rescue of friendly assets downed in a hostile environment. This is considered a SHORT OF WAR operation. GO TO ASTRAL OPS PAGE RETURN TO TOP TARRIS POD LAUNCHER Brand name of Anex built weapons launcher found on many smaller military craft in the UNSC. GO TO ANEX PAGE RETURN TO TOP TASK FORCE An Astral team vehicle made up of an upper spacecraft Orbiter; a heavily armourned and powerful Lander vehicle; and six (three on each side) Combat Support vehicles known as Hornets. Task Forces usually work indepedent of major Astral Ready Groups and Battle Groups and specialize in covert actions and are Special Operations trained for them. GO TO TASK FORCE ASSETS PAGE RETURN TO TOP TASK FORCE CIMARRON One of eight Astral Task Forces working independent of major Astral Battle Group operations in the United Network Space Command Ground Forces. GO TO CIMARRON VESSEL PAGE RETURN TO TOP TECHNICAL SIMPLICITY Concept of shared knowledge and the application of sharing that knowledge through "PLAIN SPEAK" in a words that nearly anyone can understand rather than through very specialized terminology. Subversive application of this concept removes "Intellectual Property" by providing free and open access to art, science and technology without respect to patents. Would be the end of economy if it ever gained acceptance. GO TO CFTS PAGE RETURN TO TOP TELEVID A completely interaction entertainment system which is capable of searching for, recording, receiving, transmitting, broadcasting, displaying or replaying any audio/visual program or information. The better units are small, easy to hide, projectors whose displays are holographic virtual screens with Reznay quality resolution. Trademark name for the personal electronic device which delivers video entertainment and news to it's user. By providing complete control by the viewer of all broadcasted programs on all channels for the previous 200 hours the earliest Televid's were ultimately responsible for the death of standard Commercial Television. This true "VIDEO ON DEMAND" function ultimately led to subscriber services which have made the current speciality broadcast system so successful. Recent models have benefitted from the latest advancements in nano-electronics that have both reduced the size of each unit while increasing memory capabilities to beyond the 2000 hour threshold. Televid's were also the first to popularize REZNAY Projection Technology producing high quality images with true dimensionality. The holder of the trademark name is DAR-LYN Electronics, a division of GRAND Designs. Despite this legality most people refer to any similar product by the name "televid" in much the same way that "Xerox", "Band-Aid" and "Biro" have been misued for centuries. GO TO THE GRAND DESIGNS PAGE RETURN TO TOP TEPU COSMONAUTICS Largest independent commercial Aerospace operation in the New Soviet. Was partner in United Network Command Authority during the brief window the New Soviet was also a member. GO TO TEPU PAGE RETURN TO TOP TERMINATOR The line where light turns to darkness on a planetary body RETURN TO TOP TERRA, NEW Name for the massive Space Colony Habitat travelling along the Earth's Orbital path directly on the farside of the sun in Egrange Libration Point #3. RETURN TO TOP TERRAFORMING AFRICA International project begun following the Eco-Collapse in an attempt to save the planet. Using recently developed terraforming techniques created primarily for Mars projects (which were suspended during the crisis) countries such as Great Britain, Japan and Westcan proceded to turn the desert wasteland of the Saraha into a lush mix of rainforest and farmland. The largest areas of which are Great Britain's Sahara province and the Nippon Federation's Sahel. GO TO UK MAP GO TO JAPAN MAP RETURN TO TOP THARSIS RANGE Range of mountains on Mars near the monsterous Olympus Mons over which the UNCA run Sojourner Station rests in a statinary orbit. GO TO MARS PAGE RETURN TO TOP TIBET Disputed region between India and West China that is claimed by both sides. West China however has rarely ventured into the area due to the intense radiation levels in the south quarter of West China. Because of this most administrative and infra-structure is supplied or supported by the UNCA. GO TO DISPUTED REGIONS MAP PAGE RETURN TO TOP TOLEX TRANSPORT SHUTTLE Hartwell built Surface to Orbit Inner System shuttlecraft which can be altered for various payloads. A majority of which are in service to the UNCA as personnel transportation vehicles. The Tolex are hardy craft with high reliability ratings and require very little maintenance (which must be serviced by licensed personnel). Finn flew a Tolex Shuttle (the OWEN TELL) as part of his duty to the European Table of the United Earth Conference in October 2234. GO TO TOLEX SHUTTLE PAGE RETURN TO TOP TRACK DISPLAY BOARD A grid or map display of an area that projects items being tracked. RETURN TO TOP TRANSPARENCY FIELD A theoretical term for a defence shield that could also make the generating unit invisible to both electronic and visual detection. RETURN TO TOP TREMBLAY, Martin (Captain) Field Commander of Task Force Cimmarron. GO TO UNSC RANKS PAGE RETURN TO TOP TRIPOLI LINK Specified communication setting that, when activated, connects a pre-established group of field leaders together for private voice communication. The term was first coined during the BATTLE FOR SHORT BOW by Fleet CAG Nathiel MacManus of the Light Carrier TRIPOLI. Also known as 'Command Link'. RETURN TO TOP TRIS SHUTTLE Rigel built craft primarily used for transit between their non-landing craft and the surface. Tris can handle intense and rapid pressure changes and is frequently used by scientists for short-term transit into atmospheres that most other craft cannot handle. Although it won't break any speed records the vessel's impact rating is high enough that a few Squadrons of these craft are in service to the UNSC Fleet and held in reserve for Intense Combat Situations. GO TO TRIS SHUTTLE PAGE RETURN TO TOP TROOPS, TROOPERS A reference to military personnel in the United Network Space Command or allied forces. A term usually reserved only for the good guys. GO TO ASTRAL OPS PAGE RETURN TO TOP T-V-W Control interface format used by the UNSC Astral Forces to operate ordinance. RETURN TO TOP