NADAZERO From the prescribed Radio Alphabet NADAZERO is the term to be used in place of ZERO. RETURN TO TOP NANO-ELECTRONICS Electronics so small that their circuitry cannot be seen without the aid of high powered equipment and whose creation is beyond most technologies. Attempts to repair such items is generally considered a waste of time as the circuitry is set on a molecular (or smaller) level. The study and science of electronic interactions manipulated on a super micro-minature scale. Nano-Electronics most commonly is used in data storage and retrieval systems that allow seemingly unheard of levels of information to be collected, processed, stored or transferred at rates that continually spiral upwards from mechanisms and devices which are continually shrinking in mass. The most common application of this technology is in the production of smaller and smaller Televid devices which retain more and more video program information. The Council For Technical Simplicity estimates that soon Televid models will be capable of retaining more broadcast and transmission information than the average human could view were they to view that material non-stop from birth to death, and will do so at a signal quality level beyond which that the human eye could differentiate the broadcast image from the real thing. SEE A TELEVID UNIT GO TO THE GRAND DESIGNS PAGE RETURN TO TOP NEPAL Semi-soverign region between India and West China. Although claimed by both sides the West Chinese have never provided any support or made more than an occassional token presence any further than the border. The region has been especially hard hit by early Eco-Collapse radiation and Food Wars. GO TO DISPUTED REGIONS PAGE RETURN TO TOP NEPTUNE Eighth planet in orbit from the sun in the Sol System except for a twenty year period every 240 odd years when Pluto slips closer to Sol. GO TO HARTWELL STAR SYSTEMS PAGE RETURN TO TOP NEW FOUNDLAND Independent province in the United Kingdom of Great Britain. Former half of the Canadian Province of New Foundland and Labrador. Primary provider of seafood to the world following mid 22nd Century partnership with Scottish bio-engineering firm that found methods of large scale restocking of Grand Banks fisheries. VIEW A MAP OF THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN, NEW FOUNDLAND, SAHARA, PACIFICA and LABRADOR GO TO PAGE RETURN TO TOP NEW SOVIET UNCA familiar term for the Soviet Socialst Republic. VIEW A MAP OF THE NEW SOVIET GO TO NEW SOVIET PAGE RETURN TO TOP NEW TERRA Name for the massive Space Colony Habitat travelling along the Earth's Orbital path directly on the farside of the sun in Egrange Libration Point #3. RETURN TO TOP NEW ZEALAND Formerly peaceful nation founded by British Colonial interested which has, since the start of the Eco-Crisis become an aggressive and territorial ocean going concern, much to the chagrin of it's neighbours. New Zealand's latest action resulted in the hostile invasion of the entire New Guinea land mass as well as the former Australian territory of Tasmania. GO TO NEW ZEALAND PAGE RETURN TO TOP NEWTON, (Senior Leftenant) One of three Pilots assigned to Orbiter operations with Astral Task Force Cimarron. GO TO UNSC RANKS PAGE RETURN TO TOP NIPPON FEDERATED STATES Nation state with full membership in the UNCA. Better known as Japan but includes Sahel, Sahara, Africa, the Phillipines and administrative control of the Korean penisula. GO TO JAPAN PAGE RETURN TO TOP NISTAR Japanese Aerospace giant who participates as a full partner in the United Network Command Authority. GO TO NISTAR PAGE RETURN TO TOP NOACHIS Area on the surface of Mars controlled by the New Soviet. VIEW A MAP OF MARS RETURN TO TOP NORDIC UNION Nation state with full membership in the UNCA. GO TO NORDIC UNION PAGE RETURN TO TOP