R.O.E. Abbrev for RULES OF ENGAGEMENT. The guidelines under which the Military operates that lays out clearly when they may take action and how far that action may go. Designed to avoid undue escalation of conflict by Commanders in the field. Frequently binding to the point of review and a policy that may one day prove disastrous. Major Ackers is a strict adherent to the R.O.E. for a mission whereas Finn would, if in charge, prefer to take the bigger risk to cap a problem early on. GO TO TASK FORCE CIMARRON PAGE RETURN TO TOP RADIATION ZONE Term for a region of high radiation north by north east of India (including most of West China). The area affected by repeated and massive failures at various Indian Nuclear Reactors a century earlier that almost began a World War. Also known inaccurately as Dead Zone. GO TO MAP OF THIS REGION RETURN TO TOP RADIO ALPHABET An archaic term still used to describe the proper words to be used in verbal communications to avoid confusion. RETURN TO TOP RADIO COORDINATES (TERRESTRIAL) Terrestrial coordinates follow a prescribed protocol to ensure clarity. Latitude coordinates are given first followed by longintudinal coordinates. UNCA protocols specify east/west and north/south terms used in place of negative numbers for coordinates. RETURN TO TOP RADIO SILENCE Military term for operations performed without benefit of communications. Requires recent and reinforced training to ensure success. RETURN TO TOP RAPIDAX Term for high speed transit from Orbit to Surface that Astral Forces routinely train for and execute when critically required. Some teams specialize in doing this without detection by the surface. Task Force Cimarron is one of them. GO TO ASTRAL OPERATIONS PAGE RETURN TO TOP RAPIDEX Term for high speed departure from the Surface to Orbit that Astral Forces routinely train for and execute when critically required. Some teams specialize in doing this without detection by the surface. Task Force Cimarron is one of them. GO TO ANEX POLLUX LANDER PAGE RETURN TO TOP RAPIDEX TANKS Heavily insulated anti-Gravity Tanks (Mobile Artillery) capable of re-entering the Earth's Atmosphere with undue vulnerability during combat operations. GO TO HARTWELL RAPIDEX TANK PAGE RETURN TO TOP RATIONS Pre-packaged food designed to be tasty and survive extended periods of storage without deterioration. According to Finn they do neither. RETURN TO TOP RECALL Term for when Troops should abandon their activities and return to pre-assigned meeting/pick-up place as soon as possible. RETURN TO TOP RECON FIGHTER Term given for the top secret vehicle developed by the New Soviet and capable of generating a stealth field invisible to both electronic means and sight. RETURN TO TOP REGISTRY Insider term for the master databank of all citizens in the United Network. A contantly updating system that passively tracks every individual in the Network. RETURN TO TOP REGISTRY, VEHICLE The numerical list of vehicles operating under authority of either SPACE COMMAND or the SPACE AGENCY. The prefix of which usually helps to identify the type of vessel. With UNSC craft the number of digits used for the Registry also identify size and operational zones. GO TO UNCA REGISTRY PAGE RETURN TO TOP RESOURCE ALLOCATION DEPARTMENT Branch of the Quartermaster which provides what used to be called Human Resources services for employees of the United Network Command Authority, including recruitment, councelling, benefits and termination. RETURN TO TOP REZNAY A recording system that retains and projects images over a wide spectrum of passive and in some cases active indicators. Developed primarily for SECURITY and BIO-METRIC applications the technology was quickly spun off into Bio-Medical applications allowing Surgeons truly virtual operational access to remote patients. Most recently the technology has made it's way into the communications industry with units being commercially available in the form of the very popular TELEVID personal electronics devices. REZNAY systems record the full visible light spectrum as well as non-visible spectrums of the E-M band including heat signatures. In addition to this accoustical vibrationary signatures and depth modelling using a sub-molecular waveform analysis system ensure that any image recorded by a REZNAY device can be displayed in three dimensions as well as analyized as though it was physically present even if the original subject has long since been destroyed. Full scale units are capable of fooling the human eye into believing what they see is physically present. Prototypes currently being tested are capable of fooling other recording devices (non-Reznay systems) and it is believed that one day the ability to fool even Reznay systems may be possible. It is, however, impossible and impractical to fool human touch as it would be easier to create a unit that merely replicates whatever is required (this is also being worked on). SEE A TELEVID PROJECTION UNIT GO TO THE GRAND DESIGNS PAGE RETURN TO TOP RICOSMOS Brazilian Aerospace giant who participates as a full partner in the United Network Command Authority. GO TO RICOSMOS PAGE RETURN TO TOP RIGEL AEROSPACE WestCan Aerospace giant who participates as a full partner in the United Network Command Authority. RIGEL Aerospace is the world leader in this field regularly producing items which meet or exceed their "Better than State of the Art" bar. CEO of Rigel Aerospace is Pamela Newhaven, daughter of former Magellan Shipyards President (Daniel "Buzz" Newhaven) and spouse of Rigel owner Commodore Nathiel Adam MacManus. Both are parents to Rigel heir and Senior Executive John James "Jack" MacManus and Lt Commander Robert Nathiel MacManus. GO TO RIGEL AEROSPACE PAGE RETURN TO TOP RIGEL TECHNOLOGIES Predecessor to Rigel Aerospace, created by Jay Adam MacManus on development of the Gravity Reaction Plate. One of Rigel Technologies first successes was the creation of the Arc Emitter, used by proto-WestCan forced to defend the region against invading Heartland Forces in the North American Food Wars during the Eco-Crisis. GO TO RIGEL AEROSPACE PAGE RETURN TO TOP RIO Abbrev for Radio Intercept Officer. Archaic term which has remained in Fleet circles for the Operations Pilot behind the Combat Pilot in a craft requiring two operators. RETURN TO TOP ROLL Motion along the Y axis. Side to side motion of a vehicle in three dimension space. Also known as SWAY. One of three vectors which must be considered for controlled flight in open space the others being YAW and PITCH. GO TO ROLL PAGE RETURN TO TOP RULES OF ENGAGEMENT The guidelines under which the Military operates that lays out clearly when they may take action and how far that action may go. Designed to avoid undue escalation of conflict by Commanders in the field. Frequently binding to the point of review and a policy that may one day prove disastrous. Major Ackers is a strict adherent to the R.O.E. for a mission whereas Finn would, if in charge, prefer to take the bigger risk to cap a problem early on. RETURN TO TOP RUSSIA Former Federation at the heart of the New Soviet. GO TO NEW SOVIET PAGE RETURN TO TOP