WARBOOK Also known as SHIP CHART. Pictorial list of various types of Spacecraft used by most to readily identify or for research. GO TO SHIPCHART PAGE RETURN TO TOP WARDROOM The meeting/briefing room for a squad of military personnel. RETURN TO TOP WASHINGTON TERRITORY The upper half of the former United States of America Washington State which sought protection by WestCan during the North American Foodwars when the Heartland Freestates of America began to forcibly overtake its neighbour states. Washington benefitted so well from its union with WestCan that it remained part of the WestCan union. Oddly enough this returns much of the area originally controlled by the Hudson's Bay Company before the creation of Canada. GO TO WESTCAN MAP PAGE RETURN TO TOP WELLIES The much heralded Flight Wing on the SCC-CHURCHILL. The nickname refers to the British Boots, which in itself is a name coming from Napoleanic War hero the Duke of Wellington. GO TO DESTROYER PAGE RETURN TO TOP WEST CHINA Common terms for the People's Republic of China. Largely because most of the Chinese mainland has returned to Republican roots and joined the United Network Command Authority. GO TO WEST CHINA PAGE RETURN TO TOP WESTCAN Nation state with full membership in the UNCA. GO TO WESTCAN PAGE RETURN TO TOP WING STATUS/COMBAT STATUS GUIDE The part of the UNSC KeyComm Badge which indicates proficiency in either Combat for Flight capabilities. GO TO COMBAT/WING STATUS PAGE RETURN TO TOP