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HORNET (Short Range Combat Fighter)

Although each VDU is a MFD that the pilot can customize to their preferences the default arrangement has been designed to negate any need for that during normal flight and combat operations.


Two VDU's (one above the other) are positioned on either side of the forward glass, which acts as a third display thanks to high rez projections of the combined YAW-PITCH-ROLL-MOTION (YPR) data-dyne and FRIEND-OR-FOE TARGETTING GRID (F2T).

Lists all combat weaponry and their status. Green is active, Yellow is stand-by, Red is inactive, Black is empty. Compliment is Icon Touch activated or voice interface controlled.

Standard compliment for the Hornet in normal operations is:
60 clips of ballistics, each with 3000 standard 9mm rounds.
15 SPARTAN missiles, 50 kt yield/1000 km range self-propelled, self-guided, Intelibombs.
Two (P/S) S-4 Arc Emitters, with 07 second re-cycle rates for the first ten shots (increasing by one second each shot thereafter).

Additional compliments may include any combination of the following:
06 clips of ballistics, each with 300 20mm rounds.
06 clips of ballistics, each with 100 50mm Armour Piercing rounds.
06 clips of ballistics, each with 300 20mm Double-Explosive rounds.
06 clips of ballistics, each with 3000 9mm soft rounds (training).
02 clips of ballistics, each with 100 delay HE rounds.
02 clips of ballistics, each with 35 Responder/Recorder/Marker rounds.

Typically a text interface display (picture are usually projected on a low priority VDU's). The PAT-F will list random relevant stats on vehicle operation, local weather/traffic conditions, or when critically relevant supplemental information for something on one of the other displays (the outline of which glows red to indicate relevance).
The PAT-F is tied into the internal cockpit microphone and will immediately begin displaying relevant information relating to verbal commands, and if set so, to random mumblings from the pilot.

F2T GRID: (Top Center over glass)
Shows all Friends and Foes in firing range, also indicates those outside range with flashing side icons (on their nearest position). Targets are listed by Heirarchy Number Code and Threat Code with Friends in Blue (ie: Ground Combat Leader/Squad Leader with one Marwayne 350 Rifle would be C01/25, while the Hornet Group Leader in fully equipped Hornet would be H01/05). Similarly enemy combatants are listed in high contrast RED with the same codes based on estimations gathered by the PAT-F system. This meaning that primary targets would be their C (command) or near “Threat Code 01” after slash ( " / " ) targets (the lower the number the more powerful the opponent).

YPR: (Bottom Center over glass)
In this one multi-layered set of meters is all the relevant flight information for the Hornet craft colour-coded to quicker reference. At each of the four corners are numeric indicators of the same information.
YAW: the port to starboard axis
PITCH: the up to down angle axis
ROLL: the side to side axis
MOTION: forward “F” or reverse “R”, port “P” or starboard “S”, up “U” or down “D” and speed of motion. Also with indications of acceleration or deceleration.

Imaging systems project on this display, clear outlines of potential impacts in the path the vehicle is currently travelling, with different shades based on distance/imminence of impact. The Navigation Projection Box shows probable or recommended course, which can be accepted automatically by releasing the throttle safety on both hand grips. The PAT-F would then automatically glide the Hornet out of danger should the pilot become incapacitated or otherwise engaged (unless a pre-programmed path was established, in which case the PAT-F would merely complete the prescribed journey).

Frequently used as a secondary display for supplemental information, unless Combat Craft is experiencing external trauma.

*** end ***