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ANGLISH -- The Language of the United Alliance

ANGLISH was the key to the success of the RIMBEY PLAN set out on the surface of Mars following the successful take over of the MEGANITE BASE in 2225. Created by the Council For Technical Simplicity for the use of all nations of Earth, Anglish is essentially a simplified English.

Spelling is phonetically based with any phonetically correct spelling being taken as acceptable, this does not preclude only one spelling for each word/word meaning in the Anglish Dictionary (again for simplicity).

The basic foundation of Anglish is the ALFABET, where each letter has only one sound and each vowel is broken down into two characters one for the hard sound, the other for the soft. The easiest way to accomplish this was to make this the ONLY hard rule in Anglish, a capital letter vowel ( there are eight vowels now ) takes the hard, a small letter vowel taking the soft.
A = "ay" as in ache (spelt "ak"),
a = "ah" as in car (spelt "kar),
B = "b",
C = "ch" taking on the italian sound as in "ciao" loosing both the "k" and "s" sounds,
D = "d",
E = "ee" as in "wee",
e = "eh" as in sled,
F = "fh" as in fun (also taking over the "ph" spelling),
G = "guh" as in grey no longer taking the "j" sound,
H = "h",
I = "aye" as in sign (spelt "sin", as opposed to sin spelt "sin"),
i = "ih" as in it,
J = "juh" as in juice (taking over the juh sound of g as well so judge is now spelt "judj",
K = "kuh" taking over the "k" sound of c and q which doesn't exist in anglish,
L = "lul",
M = "mm",
N = "nn",
O = "o" as in open,
o = "oo" as in noon,
P = "puh",
R = "ruh",
S = "ss" taking over the "s" sound of c,
T = "te",
U = "you" as in uganda,
u = "uh" as in hug,
V = "vuh",
W = "wuh",
Y = "yuh" loses vowel status with the "ee" sound taken by e,
Z = "zuh" (hold backs still debate whether this letter's name is zee [american] or zed [british]. some argue that in the spirit which this alphabet was created it should be called zuh)
additionally two new characters have been created for specific sounds.
"TH " and "ST " have their own characters...

anglish keyboard layout
Anglish keyboard layout for standard console

Although not a letter in the Anglish alphabet "X" is still frequently used as an abbreviation or icon representing that sound much as @ fills in for "aT".


Additionally Anglish is a non-gender dominate, gender inclusive language as opposed to English which is both gender dominate and gender exclusive.
What this means is that all gender terms except "MAN" (
MEN) have been removed from Anglish and the definition assigned to "MAN" is the inclusive one (the 2nd one in most English dictionaries, that being as an abbreviation for "MANKIND"). By adopting the inclusive definition of "MAN" into Anglish the genders were finally made fully equal under the law.
Even older documents and phrases such as the United States Declaration of Indepedence's "all men are created equal..." in Anglish means EVERYONE.

So, how does one indicate gender differences, a basic fact still determining reproduction?
the most common use is PATRIS for the Boy and MATRIS for the Girl, but as we've just demonstrated BOY and GIRL do not implicitly contain gender dominance therefore are usuable.
In fact Anglish acknowledges that slang and gender speech is vital to a language and makes ample room even for some classically sexists terms so long as one is not a derivitave of the other. (example: woMAN from MAN, feMALE from MALE and so on).

True Anglish requires some pronoun changes as well, for although "I" still refers to the singular, "U" refers to the second person and "E" for the third.
"E" replaces English's HE and SHE while "ER" replaces "HIM" and "HER".
"THEM" and "THEY" are always useful in referring to the third person but continue to carry the implication of "more than one".