06) Fight Or Flight

I wrote myself a letter
to try to make things better 'round here,
on the off chance I might hear.
It said, “Instead of just believing the worst,
why not try conceiving
the situation's not always all you feared?

I'm not saying you're wrong or saying you're right.
I'm just saying the future's not in sight,
and you need to find some road
between just fight or flight.

OK, things bite sometimes, but
I'm tired of hearing you whine
about things you've never even tried to do.
Seen through the darkened prism of all this pessimism,
of course the world seems upside down to you.


The slightest bump, you're ready to jump,
yeah, another still birth.
The slightest offence and you're throwing up walls
and leaving scorched earth,
but for what it's worth...

I think that half your problems
were smaller when you saw them,
before you wove them into thorny crowns.
And, though you might resent me,
your cup is only empty
because you're holding the damned thing upside down.


(Photo: Rianne de Vaan)

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